“Does my pet need vaccinations every year?” If this question has been needling you, read on for the answer to this and other common vaccination queries that our team receives! 1. What vaccinations does my pet need? The World Small Animal Veterinary Association recommends that all cats and dogs receive the “core vaccinations”, which are […]
Pet Care
Can My Pet Be A Blood Donor Too?
While many of us may be registered blood donors and be quite accustomed to popping into our local blood bank every 56 days to donate, it may come as a surprise to pet parents that dogs, cats and even other animals like birds and exotics can also donate blood. In fact, the very first recorded […]
Are Veterinary Costs Really “Exhorbitant”?
Taking an unwell pet to the vet is always stressful for a pet-parent. The possibility of a scary diagnosis weighs heavily and there is usually added concern about the bill for the treatment. The availability of pet insurance (like private health insurance for people) has helped pet owners to provide their pets with the veterinary […]
Household Hazards for Birds
When we think of toxins, the first things that come to mind are those our birds may swallow. But potentially just as serious are those hazards that may exist in our bird-buddy’s environment that we may not even be aware of. Here are some of the most common environmental toxins that can be inhaled, ingested […]
Toxic Food For Birds
Birds are such wonderfully interactive companions that it seems like the most natural thing in the world for us to share our food with them, sometimes even without thinking. Food treats are also a great way to train and bond with birds. But, as for dogs, cats and other animals, many human treats are unsuitable […]
Help! My Cat Is Vomiting!
For a devoted cat-parent, seeing our kitty vomiting and not knowing the cause, how serious it might be, or what to do to help them feel more comfortable can be distressing. In this blog, we’ll look at some of the possible causes of vomiting in cats, important information to communicate to your vet, and other […]
10 Pet Parenting Predicaments and How To Avoid Them
As proud pet parents, we all like to think that every decision we make regarding our cherished animal companions is right and supports their well-being. This month’s blog highlights some of the most common pet-parenting pitfalls and how to avoid them. Impulse Buying or Adopting Scrolling through social media pages and seeing all the beautiful, […]
Why Is My Dog Eating Dirt?
As the human parent of a canine, you have, in all likelihood, often asked yourself, “Why did my dog just eat that?” Dogs are, by nature, inquisitive beings and tend to “investigate” things first with their noses and mouths. While this is normal, the habitual consumption of non-food items is classified as an eating disorder […]
Is It Dangerous To Vape Around Pets?
The use of e-cigarettes, or “vaping”, as most of us know it, has taken off in the last ten years or so. This is mainly due to many smokers finding e-cigarettes an effective alternative to nicotine gums, patches and acupuncture to help them stop smoking. The trend has attracted many “non-traditional smokers” as well, with […]